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Interesting Information About Cats

Cats are super adorable and they're also super interesting here's a little information about cats we're sure you'll find interesting.

Cats have great ears.

They can hear sounds that would go unnoticed by humans including the sounds made by mice.

Cats have great sight.

They can see in near darkness

Cats can love long lives

Cats tend to live about 12 to 14 years. There have been reports of cats living into their 30s.

Cats love being clean.

They can spend hours licking their fur.

"Meow" has 4 meanings

and they can be: I'm Hungry!, I Want to Go Outside, Help Me! or I want your attention.

Cats can go hours purring.

Kittens purr to let their mom know everything is fine and when they're adults they purr when they're happy and feel safe.

Cats roll on their backs

When Cats roll on their backs in your presence it means that they trust you.

Cat's tend to love boxes.

When a cat plays with boxes it means that they're looking for a potential hiding space.

Cats make crazy dashes

When cats have a lot of stored energy they tend to make quit dashes around the house. It's their way of releasing it.

Want your cat to like you more?

Let them rub up against your leg. They do that to make you smell like a cat therefore liking you more.

So what are your favourite things about cats? What interesting facts do you know?
Interesting Information About Cats Interesting Information About Cats Reviewed by Gustavo on 4/18/2015 Rating: 5

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